
Exploring the Americas

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As stated in the introduction of this WebQuest, this activity is about developing an understanding of the various explorers who explored the Americas. Through choosing an explorer and completing research about the topic, each student will gain a greater understanding of what these explorers experienced and how their success helped to increase knowledge about the world. In this specific WebQuest, I have allotted four 45 minute tasks, meaning that this activity takes four days to complete from start to completion of the activity. 

The specific instructions that I have for teachers is that of making sure you explicitly explain the activity and the directions to your students before starting each task. While all instructions should be clear, it is important to verbally discuss them to make sure that everyone is on the same page and the end task and results of the activity will yield high results. 


VIRIGNIA SOL 3.3- History

The student will study the exploration of the Americas by:
a) describing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de León, Jacques Cartier, and Christopher Newport;
b) identifying the reasons for exploring, the information gained, the results of the travels, and the impact of the travels on American Indians.


-Explorer: A person who travels seeking new discoveries
-European: A person from one of the countries in Europe
-Each of the first explorers had different reasons for exploration, had different sponsors, and experienced different types of success.
-Christopher Columbus: Reason for Exploring: To find a western sea route to Asia, Sponsor: Spain, Achievements: First European to discover a sea route to America; discovered Western Hemisphere (landed at San Salvador)
-Juan Ponce de León: Reason for Exploring: To discover riches and land to conquer, Sponsor: Spain, Achievements: First European to land in Florida (near St. Augustine); gave Spain a claim to Florida
-Jacques Cartier: Reason for Exploring: To colonize the New World, Sponsor: France, Achievements: Explored the St. Lawrence River Valley (near Québec, Canada) and gave France a North America claim
-Christopher Newport: Reason for Exploring: To discover riches; to find a western sea route to Asia; to colonize Virginia, Sponsor: England, Achievements:Arrived at present day Jamestown; made four additional voyages, bringing more people to Jamestown; was one of the first men to reach the Fall Line of the James River
-Due to European explorations, American Indians experienced changes to their cultures and environment.
-Impact of European exploration on American Indians:
-Deadly diseases were introduced
-Exploration later led to settlement
-The settlements led to relocation of the American Indians from their homeland

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