
Dewey On The Shelves



Who was Melvil Dewey?

Why did he create the Dewey Decimal System?

What was the purpose of his organization system?

Explain the Dewey Decimal organizational system?

How will Dewey�s system help me best find what I need in the library?

Is it still relevant today?

These are the questions you will be researching as you move through the Webquest. Your finals projects will demonstrate your understanding of Melvil Dewey and the Dewey Decimal System.  You were each assigned a role within the group.  You are only responsible for the work in that section.  Review the links assigned to you and then begin work on your project.  Make certain your group members approve of the final product before revealing to others.  There will be a final task ready to challenge each of you at the end.  Now . . . find your path below and begin your Quest!


YOU will portray Melvil Deweyand introduce yourself to the class. View these sites to learn more about who Melvil Dewey was and why he took on the task of the Dewey Decimal System. You should be creative and entertaining in your presentation.  Be sure to include relevant by Coupon Companion Plugin" href="#" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MjgxMTc6NDppbmZvcm1hdGlvbjphOTNlYzFjYTYyOTlhZmZiMDQzMDRhNGZiYWQ0YTZjMTp6LTEzOTUtMTQ4MDM0Onp1bmFsLmNvbToyMTM2MDpjY2QxNzMyNTIyNzlhZGI4NmFjMDJmNjM4ZjcyNDQwZA">information about the system.  Costumes, props, etc. are permitted.

How One Library Pioneer Profoundly Influenced Modern Librarianship

Biography of Melvil Dewey

The Dewey Decimal Rap

If You Knew Dewey . . . Strange and Controversial


You will create a simple PowerPoint presentation to display the different categories within the Dewey Decimal System.  Each slide will represent one category with examples of of items found in that section of the library.  View the following sites to help guide you in preparing for your task: 

Dewey Decimal System - A DETAILED Guide to Call Numbers

Practical Guide to Call Numbers

The Dewey Decimal Rap


You will create a poster depicting an assigned Dewey Decimal Category.   These posters will be used to assist others as they look for books in the library.  Each poster will display examples of item found within that category.  Use our CARD CATALOG to incorporate specific titles found in our library.  You poster will be designed using www.glogster.com.   Pay attention to Glogster Tips to help you better create your poster. Review the sites below to you prepare for you task.

ThinkClassification is Easy???????

Practical Guide to Call Numbers 

The Dewey Decimal Rap


You will create a colorful word cloud to help guide others in finding books in the non-fiction section of the library.  In order to complete this task, you will utilize www.wordle.net. Read  12 Valuable Wordle Tips You Should Know to help you understand how to  make words larger, keep compound phrases together as well as how to save your creation.  Review the sites below to help you prepare for your task.

Dewey Decimal System - A DETAILED Guide to Call Numbers 

Practical Guide to Call Numbers

The Dewey Decimal Rap


Following the completion of all projects, you have one more task to complete.  We are going to test your knowledge two ways.  First, let's see how you do with PracticeMakes Perfect After each of you has shown me your successful completion of this activity, we are going to test your understanding just a little bit more.  This next activity is not included to demonstrate understanding, but instead is to serve as a reminder that there is always more to learn.  TestYour Knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System asks you to go beyond the basic categories and classify in depth.

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