
Dewey On The Shelves




What do sex, drugs, rock-n-roll have in common with Buddhism, cake decorating, and Prince William?

They can all be found in the non-fiction section of the library.

As part of the Common Core, you are required to read more non-fiction.  A man who wanted to change his name from Melville Dewey to Melvil Dui can help you find what you want to read.  Want to read a book on hunting? We have it in the library.  What about a study guide for an AP test?  If you don�t have time to wait for the librarian�s assistance, or if you just want to browse a subject area, it would help if you knew where to find things. Melvil Dewey is the man who will guide you in the knowledge of how to locate it on the shelves. 

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