
Dewey On The Shelves



While some of us may like a color coordinated library as shown in the photo above, we'd probably have to memorize a lot of books to know where to find them.  This system would definitlely be a lousy choice for those who are color blind.  Some of you may have helped me shelve books at some point.  Others may have looked at a book and placed in some other place on the shelves.  Hopefully you can now see the importance of shelving books correctly.  Melvil Dewey had a great idea.  While it may not be as important of an idea in your life as the cell by Coupon Companion Plugin" href="#" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MjA1NjM6MTg6cGhvbmU6Y2U2ZWFhODhjNzMzNTU4OWEyZmE2YjM3ZGI4ZDM5OWE6ei0xMzk1LTE0ODAzNDp6dW5hbC5jb206MDow">phone was, it is a very useful tool.  Many of you will by Coupon Companion Plugin" href="#" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MjkwNDI6MTEyNTpnbyB0byBjb2xsZWdlOmVkNTk1ZTM2OGZlY2M1NzUzNDk0NmJjY2QxNmI2NzQ1OnotMTM5NS0xNDgwMzQ6enVuYWwuY29tOjMxMjQwOjIzNjE4ZjNkYjgyZGE2YmIwMTI2YTExNjA4YTkzZWUy">go to college.  If you  need a print resource, you need to know how to use a library organizational system.  If you choose a skilled vocation, you may need to check out some type of informational text at a local library.  Either way,  you have have just explored the Dewey Decimal System and created items that can help others understand how it works.  It may not have been rocket science, but it started you on the stepping stones to get there .

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