
How to get what you want - or writing effective persuasive letters

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Northern Territory Curriculum Framework
English Band 2

Learners write short, sequenced imaginative and factual texts that include some related ideas about familiar topics for known audiences. They control simple sentence, punctuation and word conventions, experimenting with less common conventions. They re-read their own writing and use a number of editing resources to revise and clarify meaning.

W 2.1 Texts and Contexts
•understand and use specific text structure frameworks when writing for specific purposes to communicate with known audiences
•combine related ideas in a logical sequence using an appropriate text structure framework
•identify some needs of readers of their texts and take these into account when writing

W KGP 2.2 Language Structures and Features
•use simple, compound and complex sentences joined by appropriate conjunctions
•spell one and two syllable words with common spelling patterns and common words accurately.

W 2.3 Strategies
•use familiar strategies and begin to use an increasing range of strategies to prepare a plan before writing, reread their own writing to maintain meaning and proofread for accuracy, clarity and some spelling and punctuation errors

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