
How to get what you want - or writing effective persuasive letters



1)  Ok, it's time to write that letter! Focus and give it your all! You're another step closer to downloading your favorite ring tones and texting your friends! (If you already have a mobile then just pretend or ask for a new, flashier one).

Use your organiser as a guide. You don't want to forget any of your important points. 
Good news! There are some more easy websites for you to use.
You'll have that letter done before you can pick out a screen saver for your phone.

Click below on Read Write Think Interactive Activity.
First, it provides an example to read. 
Next, you will examine the individual parts of the letter. Take a good look. A little more time spent here, might make it easier when you are writing your letter.
Finally, you will select
Friendly Letter and it will walk you through the steps of writing the entire letter. Hey! You will even get to select a border...if you want one.
Alright.....on your mark......get set.....write!!!!
Psst...Want to make this even easier? Check out the website below, Persuasive Outline. This outline will show you exactly what to include in each paragraph. (The outline shows two paragraphs in the body. Make sure you write three. You are older and wiser now!)


Go to Writing Fun with Jenny Eather.
Go to Persuasion (exposition) and read the information about how to write a persuasive text. Next go to the bottom right corner of the page and click on the link next to the bee that says "write online". You can write your information into the online template.

2)  It is time to edit your work. Make sure that you have used correct grammer. After all, you are trying to persuade your parents!
-Make sure that you have capital letters and full stops, as well as all other appropriate punctuation, on all of your sentences.
-Read your sentences again to make sure they all make sense.
-Check your spelling - Microsoft Word only knows the words in its dictionary and will also think that homophones (e.g. there/their/they're) are correct but you might have used the wrong word. Sometimes typos are also correct words and Microsoft Word will not know that you meant to type ant instead of and.
-Check that you have included all of the information and arguments from your plan.
-You are writing a letter so make sure you have the letter writing format correct - addresses and dates at the top, a greeting (e.g. Dear Mum and Dad, To my most beloved parents, - you are trying to convince them to do something for you so it pays to be extra nice) and signing off (e.g. Love from your obedient and hardworking son, Billy).

3)  It is time to print!! Once you have printed, read your letter carefully to make sure there are no errors. Don't forget to sign your letter. Hand it in to your teacher (it is going in your portfolio) and if possible email it as well.

Wow! You did it! Great work! Get ready to pick out that phone!

Just don't bring it in my class!!!!!!




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