
Don't Spoil Georgia's Coast

Internet Safety


Internet Safety for Students

Who can I talk to via the internet?
• Family Members
• Teachers
• Friends from school

Who can’t I communicate with?
• Strangers
• Someone who says they know your mom or dad.
• Remember, you don’t talk to strangers on the playground or at the mall, and you should NOT talk to them online either. 
Email Safety
Anyone who has your email address can send you a message.  So, be smart about opening and replying to email messages.
Don’t open any messages that you are unfamiliar with.
Do tell an adult if you receive a threatening or unsafe email.

What could happen if ……..
You show a picture of yourself:
A bad person could recognize you and find you at school or at home.

You put your full name and address on your profile:
A bad person could find your house and rob it or hurt your family

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