
Workforce 2020

Teacher Page


This WebQuest was developed as a class assignment from the University of Albany, NY Masters program in Education Theory and Practice: Curriculum Design and Instructional Theory for course ETAP525 – Intergrating Technology into Curriculum; also to add to my Curriculum Vitae since it will be published online by Zunal.  In this assignment we had to develop a lesson plan centered on production and problem-solving; this WebQuest is part II of that assignment. Currently, I am seeking employment in teaching, training, technical writing, and curriculum development.  My ideal subject areas are: social studies, computer technology, business, social work, career development, and biblical teaching. At the present, I am not employed; however, I had applied for a position as a vocational teacher, to teach career development and leadership. So I began developing lesson plans in Career Development to use in the interview.  I have over 15 years of teaching and training (children, youth, and adults) experience combined and pursuing NYS certification.

This quest is considered a normal career development activity as suggested by Career Counselors (e.g., New York State Department of Labor) that would help career seekers to gain a successful entry into their career field.

The position was to teach a vocational class. It consisted of a diverse student population of females and males ages 16-24 years old. The academic skills levels of the students varies from 12th grade to 1st year college freshmen level;  therefore, this course and lessons was developed using the NYS Commencement standards (pedagogy) and the adult learning (andragogy) theories of teaching and learning. I applied the New York State Learning Standards Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Level Standards 1, 2, 3a & b; Social Studies Standard #4; and ISTE standards 1 – 6 in developing this Career Quest. The overarching educational theories are behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism.    

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