
Workforce 2020



Congratulations! You have successfully completed an employment analysis. You have learned about economics and how it projects employment market and impact career choices.  You have demonstrated leadership skills both individually and as a team. You exhibited professionalism as you presented your Report to your audience. We all salute you; especially the Job Corps salutes you for your outstanding effort and dedication to this project; as well as your teacher. The report you have provided will be used by the Committee and used as a vital resource for other career explorers. You have demonstrated outstanding leadership and team collaboration skills that will be useful in your career; include this activity in your Career Portfolio.You have gained leverage into the job market; you have a greater understanding of how the economic and employment markets interchane, expectations of employers, identified of career and occupation resources, and the many opportunities projected for the future.

Now you are ready to compete in the employment market because you have investigated, research, and assessed the employment and become a wiser Skills Market. You are on your way to entering that career of your dream.  Good Luck as you continue the remaining career development tasks such as mapping your educational and training paths, resume writing, work search, interviewing, and getting hired into the position that is right for you now and in Workforce 2020.

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