
What Do I Do With An English Language Learner?

Teacher Page



This WebQuest was designed for teacher preparation professors to use in their pre-service classrooms. Many teacher-preparation programs focus only on their content area, and new teachers feel overwhelmed and underprepared when ELLs enter their classrooms. This introduction will hopefully give future teachers a preview of what accommodations for ELLs look like, and a good foundation to successfully incorporate these exceptional learners into their classes.


*This WebQuest is designed to be presented as-is or tweaked to accommodate the needs of the teacher prepararers using it.

*It can be an alternative assignment for a snowed-out class, or make up assignment for a canceled class.

*If you train a variety of content disciplines, it could be a valuable group assignment that could be presented back to the class, enriching it with approaches from the other teaching disciplines.

**This WebQuest is also very useful for in-service teachers to become more familiar with ELLs in their classroom.


*Access and ability to a computer, the internet and PowerPoint.

*Time required for this assignment varies on how the teacher implements it. (Individually- two-four hours; Group- 1-3 hours)


The resources and web-links included in this WebQuest are all external websites, and I would like to thank them for providing such rich, and pertinent material to this WebQuest.

*The format for this WebQuest was provided by Zunal.com.

Also, thanks to Dr. Tilley-Lubbs for her inspiration and passion in this subject area and for her students.

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