
What Do I Do With An English Language Learner?



This WebQuest is only the beginning of the challenging and rewarding journey that encompasses teaching ELL students. Hopefully, you’re not only prepared to have them in your classroom, but you’re ready for your job interview!! There are a lot of laws and regulations surrounding ELLs in the classroom, but remember that no matter what, each child is an individual like no other and should be taught as such.


A few parting thoughts to make you more effective with ELL learners are:

*Find out what their lives are like in terms of languages. (i.e. Is English spoken at home? Is your student literate in their native language? Are their parents literate in their native language? Are there books in their home? etc.)

*What funds of knowledge do they have access to at home? (i.e. Do they have mechanical knowledge? Sewing? Restaurant cooking? Animal care? etc.)

*What are they interested in? (i.e. What motivates them to learn?)

*What can they add to your classroom that others (and yourself) could learn from?

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