
Coerce and Survive



Your plane's pilot was able to drop you and your classmates to safety on a deserted island.  Many of the younger students and some of your classmates are looking for someone to take care of them and lead them so that they feel comfortable and safe in this difficult situation.  Without strong leadership, intelligent planning and lots of hard work, you will not only miss out on any rescue attempt but people might die.  You will need to coerce others into doing what you want them to do.  Your group will need to work together and complete many different tasks to keep your class surviving and thriving.

In order for things to run well, you need to form a functioning society.  Your society will need a leader.  

1. Your first task is to decide what qualities the leader of your society needs to have.  
  • All group members will generate a list of those qualities that good leaders must have.  
  • Your group will then vote upon a leader.

2. That newly appointed leader will then give the other survivors roles:
  • Scientist: gather information on what the island has to offer
  • Architect: take care of building shelter for everyone from whatever the island has to offer
  • Survivalist: guide the others away from potential dangers as well as procure food
  • Legislator: assist in maintaining order by establishing rules for everyone to follow, as well as create consequences and rewards.
  • Prophecy Interpreter: interpret clues found to learn from what others have done in the same situation

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