
Coerce and Survive



The best eighth grade class from our school has been rewarded with a class trip to Australia.  You and your classmates board the plane and see that there is also a class of third grade students on board for a class trip.  While flying over the Pacific Ocean, your plane begins to experience some engine trouble.  The seats are shaking and the pilot has announced that everything is okay but that everyone should keep their seatbelts on for safety.  There's a bit of a shaky, unsettling quality to the pilot's voice as if he doesn't actually believe that everything will be fine.

Suddenly, there is a deafening CRACK sounding from one of the wings and the plane violently dips to the right as many of your classmates' luggage flies out of the overhead compartments.  The intercom system kicks on again and you can hear the terror in the pilot's voice as he tells you to prepare for impact.

As panic begins to take you, you grab onto the seat in front of you and close your eyes fearing that this is the end.

As it turns out, your plane crashing onto a deserted island proves to only be the beginning of your adventure.  With all of the adult crew and chaperones seemingly dead, you and your schoolmates must figure out a way to survive on your own.

You'll find out that in order to survive, you'll need to work together in a variety of ways to keep everyone fed and sheltered but there are many more problems to deal with on this island.

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