
Coerce and Survive



  • Write a job description for your new leader, including leadership qualities needed and how much power that leader should be able to have.
Label the following:
Desired Traits
Leadership Experience
List of Responsibilities and Limits to Power

Then you will hold a vote amongst your group members to decide who should become the group's leader based on the criteria that a leader should have.  The winner of that vote will become the leader of the tribe.

  • Leader: Decides who in the group will complete the following jobs and will assist in the completion of all of the tasks:
  • Scientist: Gathers information on the island, it's plants and the details of that type of landscape.  Report your findings back to the group in a one-page report by using the following resources:

Information found through research to be summarized in a one-page report:

AverageTemperature of the region
3-4 EdiblePlants
5Types of Vegetation available (in-depth details)
NaturalResources that can be used for survival and construction of shelter
Animals that you might encounter

  • Architect: Draws housing plans for you andyour classmates using available natural resources. Label the parts to indicate which resources are used in each shelter you are to build.  Include a typed set of instructions so that the shelters can be built without you being present.  Be explicit.
  • Survivalist: Completes a survival guide for your classmates to follow so that they can avoid the dangers of the island.  You also need to decide how to divide up the work that needs to be done to keep everyone safe.  You will be policing the others and deciding how to follow through with punishments. You will be working closely with the Legislator (lawmaker) on this portion to establish rules for the society.             
    See below for the link to a Basic Survival Guide for items to include.
  • Legislator: Creates laws, consequences and rewards for everyone to follow.  Use the input of your groupmates to assist as well as looking to historical evidence of laws and codes for ideas of what to include.                                                                                                                      See below for the links to the Bill of Rights page and Hammurabi's Code page.                                       
  • Prophecy Interpreter: You find a box buried in the dirt under a great red X drawn on the ground.  Inside the box is a book and an iPod.  There is a yellow Post-it on the iPod that tells you this: Listen to "Pioneers" by Bloc Party.  There you will find the key to unlocking the bigger picture.  Miraculously the iPod still works but only has enough battery power for one listen through.  You will use the song and the book to come closer to learning a greater understanding about your situation.   Report what you have learned in a short piece of writing that you can show your group to help you survive the dangers we all face.


Legislator links:

Survivalist links:

  • http://www.survivalskillstoday.com/Hot-Tip-How-to-Survive-on-a-Deserted-Island.html
  • http://www.survivaliq.com/
  • http://www.discovery.com/video-topics/adventure/survival-zone-videos/jungle-shelter-and-fire.htm

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