
Mutation and Genetic Change



Grade Level

Lesson is intended from 9th and 10th grade Biology students.


1. At the end of this lesson students will understand the origin of genetic difference among organisms, what kind of mutations are possible, and the effects of mutations.

2. Students will be put into groups and the jigsaw, strategy #15, will be used to promote social and cooperative development among diverse groups of students.  It allows students to teach their peers about the different types of mutaions (Fisher, Brozo, Frey, & Ivey, 2007).

3. The exit slip, strategy #8, is a form of formative assessment. The exit slip will ask the following questions to assess students’ understanding and adjust follow up lessons as needed.  Also it ensures differentiation (Fisher, Brozo, Frey, & Ivey, 2007).

    1. A basic question all students can answer – knowledge level on Bloom’s (ELL, IEELL, LD students)
    2. A question on comprehension – understanding level on Bloom’s (average students)
    3. A question on critical thinking – application/analysis level on Bloom’s (advanced students)

4. Students will complete a worksheet, in pairs, on genetic mutations.

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