
Determining Alcoholism



The purpose of our webquest is for college students to explore the site and to determine their own definition of alcoholism and then apply it to their life in order to see whether they fit their own defintion of alcoholism. The student should be able to identify a case of alcoholism by knowing the causes and effects.  Also, the student should be able to know who is and is not at risk of developing alcoholism.  Students are to explore the links provided to help determine their drinking habits and drinking tolerance, so that they are able to determine what happens when they drink.  In order to increase awareness about the consequences of drinking, we want students to explore the medical and legal consequences.

Specifically, we want students to read a BAC, Blood Alcohol Chart, so that they know how much they can safely drink to drive or even have proper motor and cognitive function.  We want students to research state laws about drinking and driving so they are aware of the current laws.  We want students to review a Standard Drink Chart, which summarizes alcohol content (proof) in standard alcoholic beverages so that they understand how much alcohol they are actually consuming.  For fun, we would also like students to perform a field sobriety test so that they know how officers test your motor functions to determine your sobriety.  Ideally we would like them to perform this test twice, once while sober and then again after having some drinks in order to observe the difference.

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