
Determining Alcoholism




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Define Alcoholism. Basic definition with basic understanding of the characteristics of alcohol and its effects. Able to recognize excessive alcohol use and understand the dangers of these habits. Able to distinguish beween excessive alcohol use and alcoholism. Knows the effects and dangers resulting from both. Thorough definition of alcoholism including the amounts one must consume and habits that characterize an alcoholic. %25
Identifying health hazards associated with alcoholism. Basic understanding of the obvious negative effects of alcoholism. Understanding of long term hazards on an alcoholic's physical, mental, and social health. Able to identify cases of alcoholism by knowing the characteristics of health hazards associated with alcohol dependency. Thorough understanding of alcohol's effect on one's physical and mental health, able to identify cases by studying these health hazards, basic understanding of treatment for such health hazards and the implications these conditions have on an alcoholic's life. %25
Determine if you are drinking within the limits to drive and whether or not you behave negligently. A look at common alcoholic bevarages, their alcohol content and potency. Determine how much you can drink based on weight, age, and gender, and then see if you meet the legal limits. Determine your drinking patterns by keeping a log of when and where you drink, and how you get home or what you do following drinking. Reflect on information obtained to see if you are a reckless or negligent drinker. %50

Total Score: %100

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