
Determining Alcoholism



Alcoholism is a prevalent issue in the United States, and it is especially visible to college students while in school.  The purpose of this webquest is to help determine your own personal definition of what alcoholism constitutes, what the mental, medical, legal, and social implications are, and to generate thoughtful consideration about your own alcohol consumption during college, and whether or not it will grow into a lifelong dependency problem.

 We feel that it is necessary for college students to review their own drinking habits because a large part of the problem with alcoholism is the failure to recognize it.  Over 1.4 million people were arrested for alcohol related charges in 2005, but, in a study completed by the U.S. Department of Justice, there were over 150 million self-reported alcohol related offenses (Department of Justice 2005). Despite a large number of arrests, there were even more incidents, which is why it is imperative for each of us to examine our choices when it comes to alcohol.

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