
Determining Alcoholism



  1. What is alcoholism? Find out the behaviors and mannerisms that characterize alcoholism. Define alcoholism based on your research.
  2. What are the causes of alcoholism? Find out the factors that lead to alcoholism.
  3. What are the health effects of alcoholism? Find out the effects that alcoholism has on an alcoholic's health and social life.
  4. What are the legal effects of alcoholism? Find out the legal consequences that are results of alcoholism. Focusing on DUI and other criminal charges as a result of alcohol related crimes. Determine your drinking capacity and take a sobriety test. 
  5. How much do I drink?  Over the course of a week, record in a journal when you consume alcohol.  Write down how much you drink, when you drink, what you drink, who you drink with, and how you feel after you drink.  Do this in order to accurately review your drinking patterns as opposed to just tallying it in your head.
  6. Who is at risk? Search for statistics on alcoholism based on age, culture, and genetic pre-disposition.
  7. How can I be responsible? Search for typical amounts of alcohol in beverages, legal limits, and the proper steps to take once an alcoholic has been identified.  Use this information to determine what steps you will take to keep your drinking under control and to prevent a lifelong pattern of abuse. 


  • File
    Description: This link is from Center for Disease Control, review this to see how the government defines alcoholism and other situations

  • File
    Description: Follow this link to perform a Field Sobreity Tests and review DUI Penalties

  • File
    Description: Follow this link to review Alcohol Beverages Content & the BAC to determine your safe drinking levels

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