
Stage 3 and 4 Early Colonisation of Australia in 1788: The impact it had on Aboriginal and English Settlers before and after the arrival of the First FLeet



Students will read through the provided websites taking down notes that they think are either important or interesting and create a list of notes they can use when completing the activities.

Students will work at their own speed to read through the information provided and then will create a diary entry of the first day on arrival from the viewpoint of an early English explorer and of an Aboriginal Elder.

Students will first complete a cloze passage about colonisation, focusing on what happened on the arrival of the first fleet.

Students will use descriptive language as much as possible to create a realisitic diary entry from the 1700's. The Diary entry will focus on the first arrival of the English settlers in Sydney Cove and what it was like for the settlers and Aboriginal people. Students will provide a detailed entry of their first day in Australia.

Stage 4:

Look at the different perspectives of contact between the Aboriginal Australians and the European settlers. Compare thedifference in experiences and responses to colonisation between the Europeansettlers and the Aboriginal Australians.

� What can we learn about Aboriginal and indigenous peoples?

� What has been the nature and impact of colonisation on Aboriginal, indigenous and non-indigenous peoples?

1. Follow the links in this webquest to examine the two contrasting perpectives of colonisation in Australia between the European settles/ convicts and the Aboriginal Australians.

2. Create a word document and record 5 dot points and 2 images in relation to each perspective of colonisation in Australia : The European settler/ convict and the Aboriginal Australian.

3. After watching 'Babakiueria' and after class activity, record 5 dot points regarding the perspective of your group ogf people in relation to opinions, decisions and overall perspectives.

4. Compile all recorded information, print and hand into teacher at the end of the 4th and final lesson of the webquest unit of work.

| First impressions of the Indigenous people |  
State Library of New South Wales, First Fleet Activity, published by Centre for Learning Innovation

First impressions of the Indigenous people

Europeans kept drawings and journals to record their impressions of Australia in 1787. What did they notice when they saw Aboriginal people for the first time?

click on the scene to view the artworks. ‘First interview with the Native Women at Port Jackson New South Wales’ by William Bradley.

Click on the journal to read and hear some observations and first impressions. Use the audio player at the bottom left of the window.

More of the journal (.pdf 142kB).

Click on the image below to learn about the language in the journal.

What are the differences between your descriptions and Hunter�s descriptions?

What sort of people would he be used to seeing in his own country?

Would ideas of handsomeness and beauty be the same in different parts of the world?

Choose some other words and phrases from the journal and write how you might say them today.


Description: Watch 'Babakuieria' for a different perspective of colonisation in Australia

Web Link
  • Resistance
    Description: Read and research the perspective of Aboriginal Australians in relation to colonisation in Australia

Web Link
  • A convict's story
    Description: Read the perspective of a convict in relation to colonisation in Australia

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