
Handy Manny Paints a Pattern



It's time to get to work!  On each website that  you visit from the links at the bottom of this page, part of Handy Manny's pattern is hidden.  Once you find the piece of the pattern, record it on your fence post with a crayon and raise your hand for your teacher to come by and check to make sure the clue you found is correct. Then, move on to the next place.  Remember, we want to get this done before Mrs. Portillo gets home!

1. Watch the Sesame Street video from link number one at the bottom of this page.  Pay close attention to the shapes and colors they are using in their pattern.  The color of the FIRST paperclip is the first color in the fence pattern that Handy Manny needs help with.

2. Visit Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and take a ride on the train.  The color of the LAST train car is the second color in the fence pattern.

3.   Next, visit the Assembly Line of Patterns, and complete at least ten patterns.  Look for the color of the LAST shape in the boxes.  This color is the third color in the fence pattern.

4. Have some fun playing on the drums and other instruments in Blue's Music Maker!  Press the green start button to play the game.  Play at least five different musical patterns.  The next and fourth color in the fence pattern is the color of the FIRST rectangular instrument button.

5.  Make sure to watch the video about growing patterns below by clicking on the triangular play button.   The little girl needs help decorating her room.  She has lots of shapes.  The color of the circles she has is the next and fifth color in the fence pattern.

6.  Your final job is to play Pattern Mania to see how much you know.  Press the green start arrow to begin, and answer all of the questions.  I know you can do it!  On the last pattern displayed before the game ends, what is the color of the FIRST shape?  This will be the last color in the fence pattern.

After you have finished all six of the activities, take a look at the fence pattern you have found and started coloring for Handy Manny.  Finish coloring the rest of Mrs. Portillo's fence for Handy Manny using the pattern you found and started.  Once you finish helping Handy Manny paint Mrs. Portillo's fence the correct pattern of colors, identify and label what type of pattern it is by writing the pattern letters in the blanks under each fence post.  Now, you need to create your own color pattern on the second fence on your worksheet.  Do not forget to identify and label your pattern under each fence post.  Have fun creating your own pattern!  

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