
Handy Manny Paints a Pattern



Were you successful?   Did you help Handy Manny figure out his pattern?  I hope so!  To see how good of a helper you are, lets look at your painted fence.  We should see that you have the correct color pattern on your fence.  Hopefully your pattern type is correct!  This fence should be the same as Handy Manny's fence, and each fence post should be correctly labeled as part of a sequenced pattern.  For instance: A B C A B C A B C... 

What does your own created fence look like?  Is it colorful?  Does it include 3 colors?  I hope so!  Your fence should be painted in a pattern, and each fence post should be correctly labeled as part of a sequenced pattern.  You should identify the type of pattern you created.  If you did, great job!  You are a great helper and pattern maker!



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