
Reading Strategies for Under-Resourced Students



Many elements contribute to the academic success or failure of a child.  One factor currently making a huge impact on our educational system in the United States is the number of under-resourced children currently enrolled in our schools.  According to the text, "an under-resourced child lives below the poverty level and has few educational resources"(XIII). These children do not live with successful adults who promote academic excellence while using perfect grammar and pronunciation.  Instead, many of them struggle through their homework each night without assistance and most have never been to a play, a concert, or art exhibit much less traveled outside their neighborhood.


As educators, we have the opportunity to provide experiences for these and all students that will give them unique chances to see, hear, touch, taste, and smell a world they otherwise might miss.  This Webquest is designed to give classroom teachers specific reading strategies, many of which are based on Cooperative Learning.  Using the suggestions from Chapter 1 of All Children Can Learn  and some I have developed on my own, I hope to give you easy to follow methods to take back to your own classroom.

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