
We are all family in Second Grade



Essential Questions:  

What is a family?
Who is in your family?
Are all families different?
Is it ok for families to be different?

Everybody's family is different! No two families are exactly alike.  Everyone's family looks different from others. Every family has different people in it. Some families have one mom, one dad, and sisters or brothers. Some families have Grandparents living with them. Some families have only one child, while others have many. Some families have one mom, or one dad. Some families have two moms or two dads.   Every family is different, and that is okay! Families help us, take care of us, and LOVE us! Some families have pets in their families and others do not. Remember that everyones family is different and very special and unique. God made everyone very special.

What is your family like???

Who is in your family? What do they look like? What does each member of your family do to help each other? What does your family enjoy doing together? How is your family SPECIAL??? 



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