
We are all family in Second Grade



1. Teacher will listen to the student responses to preliminary discussion questions to assess understanding. (Formative)

2. Teacher will ask students about their family pictures as they are working on them, and also, observe and have a checklist with different types of questions and discussion to help  assess their  understanding in a much better way. (Formative)

3. Teacher will listen as each student presents their family book to the class to assess understanding, listening for responses and asking as necessary, the following questions and also, have a rubric for each part of the project.

a) What is a family and why are they so very important to us?

b) Who is in your family? Who are you in your family? What different types of roles to we play in our family?

c) How do you help each other? Who works so that they can make money to buy groceries, clothes, and other supplies for your family?

d) Is your family different from other families? How is your family different and the same as other families?

e) Is it ok for families to be different?

Completed books. (Summative)


# Beginning Developing Good Excellent Score
Necessary pages are included in the book Pages missing or incomplete, lacks organization. Pages completed but lacks organization. Pages completed and organized. All pages completed, excellent organization, very neat. 1
Pages demonstrate understanding of topics Pages do not correlate to the assigned topics. Pages demonstrate a weak understanding of the assigned topics, student attempted the assignments. Pages demonstrate a good understanding of the assigned topics. All pages demonstrate a deep understanding and synthesis of the information and assigned topics. 1
Creativity Pages lack personal information, student may have copied other material. Some vague personal details are included in pages. Personal details are included, good detailed illustrations. Excellent detailed illustrations, many personal details are included. 1
Overall Presentation Disorganized,appears very sloppy, student did not spend very much time assembling the book. Somewhat disorganized, appears sloppy, student did not spend adequate time assembling the book. Organized, student spent adequate time assembling the book. Precise organization, all pages are alligned and smooth, student put great effort into assembling the book. 1

Total Score: 4

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