
Dream House in the Ring of Fire




# Unsatisfactory Poor Satisfactory Excellent Score
Map Labeling Map is incomplete or not done. Map is partially complete. Some of the information is accurate. Map is mostly complete with most information being accurate. Map is complete and accurate. 20 points
Graphic Organizer The graphic organizer is incomplete or not done. The graphic organizer is partially complete. Some of the information is accurate. The graphic organizer is mostly complete with most information being accurate. The graphic organizer is complete and accurate. It is clear that much research has been done. 20 points
Parts of Earth poster Poster is incomplete and not done neatly or not done. Poster is partially complete and some of the information is correct. Poster is mostly complete with information that is mostly accurate. Poster is completed neatly and accurately with everything labeled. 20 points
Power Point Presentation Few or none of the task questions are answered and presented neatly and accurately. Some of the task questions are answered and presented neatly and accurately. All task questions are answered. Most of the information is accurate. All task questions are answered accurately and presented with pictures. It is clear that the group put forth effort in their research and presentation. 40 points

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