
Sarah, Plain and Tall




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Task #1: Characters' Actions or Making Inferences Beginning=40 Developing =60 Very Good=80 Exemplary =100 Looks for passage in chapter, but makes a written "prediction" not an inference;makes inference, but cannot locate evidence in chapter. Looks for passage in chapter; makes a simple, 3 or 4 word written inference; and provides brief, written evidence from chapter that supports inference. Looks for passage in chapter; makes a detailed, written inference;and provides detailed, written evidence from chapter that supports inference. Looks for passage in chapter; makes a detailed written inference; provides detailed, written evidence from chapter; and adds a second written inference. 100%
Task #2: Reading a Map While Taking a Journey From Maine to Kansas Locate and identify information using a map scale,the compass rose, and a map key. Beginning= 40 Developing =60 Very Good = 80 Exemplary =100 4-5 of the states are identified correctly; none of the distances are reasonable; and 0-1 of the cardinal directions are correctly listed. 6-8 of the states are correctly identified; 2-3 of the estimated distances are reasonable; and 2-3 of the cardinal directions are listed correctly. 7-9 of the states are correctly identified; 3-4 of the distances are estimated correct; and 3-4 of the cardinal directions are correctly listed. 10-12 of the states are identified correctly; 4-5 of the estimated distances are correct; and 4-5 of the cardinal directions are listed correctly. 100%
Task #3: Graphing Sarah's Favorite Things Beginning=40 Developing =60 Very Good=80 Exemplary =100 The student correctly categorizes 4-5 examples of given data and correctly labels 1-2 parts of the bar graph. The student correctly categorizes 6-7 examples of given data and correctly labels 2-3 parts of the bar graph. The student correctly categorizes 7-8 examples of given data and correctly labels 3-4 parts of the bar graph. The student correctly categorizes 8-9 examples of given data and correctly labels 4-5 parts of the bar graph. 100%
Task #4: Sarah's Prairie Habitat Beginning=40 Developing =60 Very Good =80 Exemplary =100 Describes 1-2 different types of grasses, identifies 1-2 relationships between organisms, and lists one threat to the environment. Describes 2-3 different types of grasses, identifies 2-3 relationships between organisms, and lists two threats to the environment. Describes 3-4 different types of grasses, identifies 3-4 relationships between organisms, and lists two or more threats. Describes 4-5 different types of grasses or grains, identifies 4-5 relationships between organisms, lists three threats to the environment, and analyzes these relationships. 100%

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