
Themes of the Harlem Renaissance




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Graphic Organizer (Individual grade) The graphic organizer is incomplete or not turned in. You have succeeded in filing out the factual information on the graphic organizer for at least two artists. You could not identify a theme. You have completed the graphic organizer for 1-2 artists and identified a theme for at least one. You have completed the graphic organizer for more than two artists and identified a theme for at least two artists. %25
Group Work (Group grade) You choose to work independently or you do not share information with group members. You are off task more than you are working on the project. (Includes going to unrelated websites or doing unrelated web searches.) You are working well with team members, but do not meet deadlines or correctly complete the assignment. Your group collaborates well, all members of the group are included in discussion and planning and you meet the deadlines. %25
Power Point Presentation (Group grade) You have not succeeded in identifying a common theme. Power point is missing examples. You have identified a theme, but you do not have examples of the theme in more than one artistic genre. You have identified a theme and given examples of the theme in at least two different artistic genres. You have identified a theme and given examples of the theme in at least two different artistic genres. You have made a clear connection between the theme and modern American life. %25
Presentation (Group grade) Some members of the group participate in the presentation. Members read slides and or look away from the audience. Volume is either to low or too high and the pace is to fast or too slow. Most members of the group participate in the presentation. Members read some of the information from the slides. There is an effort to make eye contact with the audience and pacing and volume are good. All members of the group participate in the presentation. Members explain the slides. They do not read them. Presenters make eye contact. Pacing and volume are appropriate. All members of the group make a positive contribution to the presentation. Members engage the audience with interesting anecdotes or reading selections. %25

Total Score: %100

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