
Who was Christopher Columbus?

Team Evaluation


Projects will be graded both on a team basis and an individual basis. Rubrics have been provided to help team members understand what is expected of them. A perfect score for a team grade would be 80 points. Perfect individual score would be 20 points, for a total of 100 points. 

On many of the instructional pages seen here are the bonus questions. Each bonus question is worth two or three team points. Answers must be complete and written in complete sentences. Some are harder than others. They can significantly help your overall grade, plus they give you a sense of what direction your team should be going and what material you should be coming across. Each person receives their team grade added to their individual grade, plus points for bonus questions; so final grades could be more than 100 points. 

It is very hard to say how much information is not enough, or how much is too much. But certainly each team project should include the following:

1. At least one standard page worth of text for each historical aspect. Create this page first, before posting anything to the wiki!
2. Some relevant graphic element associated with each block of text. Be creative but don't spend too much time on it. 
3. Some kind of multimedia element on at least one of your pages. Be creative, but don't spend too much time on it. If it's relevant, and multimedia, it's acceptable.
4. A map showing Columbus' journeys and all related content. All relative place names and other information must appear on the map. Look at other maps to get a sense of what your team's map should look like. Again: Be creative!
5. Include a conclusion page or area at the end of your project. Be sure to answer (at least) the four main questions as stated on the task page. If you answer the bonus questions, be sure to include those after your conclusion.
6. At the end of your wiki, after your conclusion and bonus answers, list (in Chicago/MLA style) your sources with the heading of "Bibliography." All team projects should have at least ten sources. You are free to use any sources I have provided, but each team must use at least one source that it discovered ON ITS OWN. 
7. Be ready, as a team, to answer questions from me or your peers when we look at the projects. None of the teams are required to present the wikis to the class. This is not an oral presentation assignment. However we will look them over in class so that everyone sees the other wikis.

Below is the rubric the teacher will use to evaluate your work as a team. Refer to this rubric if you are unsure how you should approach your finished wiki. A perfect score equals 80 points. This score will be added to your personal score and any bonus points, for your final project grade. All team members receive the same team evaluation score and the same credit for bonus answers.


# 10 points 12 points 16 points 20 points Score
Completing the assignment; completing on time. Assignment was completed late; errors were present, visual elements are missing. Or, assignment was missing a page or other important element. Assignment was completed. However, it may have been one day late, several errors are present or visual elements are missing. Assignment was complete and on time; however a small amount of errors are present or one or two visual elements are missing. Assignment was published on web by due date. All pages are complete with visual elements in place. Text has been checked for errors.
Aesthetics and creativity are evident in the finished product. The wiki lacked appeal; or it did not show creativity. Too many elements were missing or poorly chosen. Wiki lacked some visual style. The creativity was not what it should have been. Or, the multimedia element and other visual elements were missing or poorly chosen. The wiki was basically well-done. It may not have been visually excellent; or it may lack some creativity. Or, the multimedia element was missing. The wiki was visually pleasing; it showed a great deal of creativity and work. Multimedia element was acceptable.
Construction of the wiki; order of pages, amount of content. The pages were not formatted or constructed well at all. The wiki was missing pages. Content was inaccurate or very weak. Missing vital elements like introduction, thesis or conclusion. Wiki lacked some elements of a good research project. There were formatting or construction problems on one or more pages. Content was basically accurate but showed little if any depth. Wiki had nearly all the elements of a good research project. Some pages may not have been constructed well. Or pages might be out of order. Or, content is accurate but not extensive. Wiki had all the elements of a good research project. Pages were constructed well and in perfect order. Content was accurate and extensive.
Research and writing techniques. Text and graphic elements. Bibliography. More research was obviously needed; or, writing was substandard; or both. Or, graphic elements were missing or off-base. Bibliography missing or not enough sources. Research and/or writing lacked depth and understanding. A slight research error might be present. Graphics are only average. Bibliography is complete. Research and/or writing were very good, but not excellent. Graphic elements may not have meshed well with written text. Bibliography is complete. Research was outstanding. Writing was excellent. Text and graphic elements meshed perfectly. Bibliography is complete.

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