
Viewing the Holocaust Through Different Lenses



Congratulations! You have successfully completed your quest through the Holocaust, viewing it through the eyes of different people. You have learned what life was like for people during World War II and how various ideals and beliefs influenced different people. You assumed the role of someone you may have thought completely different from yourself, but saw the world through a new set of lenses. Hopefully, you found some connections between such people's lives and your own so that you can learn more about the world itself, how people relate to one another, as well as discover new possibilities in the cultures that make up this world. Now, you will be able to take this pool of knowledge, share it with others, and even build upon it if you wish. Through this adventure, we hope to have sparked your interest in learning more about this time period and the lives of specific individuals who were a part of this important time in history. Take the vast pool of knowledge you've gained from this experience and continue to use it! Good job!

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