
Global Warming/Climate Change: What is it? How Does it Affect Us? What Can We Do About It?



Remember  to  select  only  one of the three main topic ideas from the list btlow. Answer the  questions with research from the suggested web sites linked to each topic. Remember, these questions will be the basis of your final PowerPoint presentation.



Economic Effects of Global Warming and Climate Change

1. How long has global warming and climate change been going on?

2. Will global warming and climate change continue indefinitely? Can we stop it? What evidence do you have to support this answer?


3. What are some of the economic consequences that global warming and climate change have already caused to your local economy?

4. How will global warming and climate change affect our future local economy? Give specific examples.

5.If we can't stop global warming and climate change, what can we do now to adapt our local economy?


6. What, if any, specific life-style changes would affect long term consequences of global warming and climate changes?







Environmental Effects of Global Warming and Climate Change


1. What causes global warming and climate change? Is this a natural process or is it caused by human activity?


2. What are some of the environmental consequences of global warming and climate change?


3. How will global warming and climate change affect our everday lives?


4. What are some of the long-term environmental consequences of global warming and climate change?


5. Are significant weather patterns altered by global warming and climate change?


6. Is the hole in our atmosphere's ozone layer related to global warming and climate change? What evidence is there to support this, and what can we do to correct the situation?


7. What can we do adapt to the environmental consequences of global warming and climate change?


8. How can we alter the course of global warming and climate change? What evidence to you have to support the success of these changes?


9. What will happen to us if global warming and climate change worsen?









Human Effects of Global Warming and Climate Change


1. Explain how, in the long term, global warming and climate change will affect people's everyday lives?


2. How will global warming and climate change cause changes in the health of human beings? What evidence do you have to support this?


3. If we alter our lifestyles now, can we change the effects of global warming and climate change?


4. List specific results of unchecked global warming and climate change?


 5. Are we, and other species, able to adapt to the effects of Global Warming and Climate Change? What evidence do you have to support this?


6. What can we do right now to slow or stop the effects of global warming and climate change?














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