
Ethical and Social Responsibility of Advertising


You have creative control on source information to support your argument; however, you need a minimum of three sources (from textbook and/or internet websites) to support your argument.  Follow the process guide below, but use your creativity to put your research into a supported argument.

As a class, you will be divided into two groups, but you will be partnered with your table-mate.

Group 'Sell More' will take the position of "No, companies DO NOT have an ethical and/or social responsibility to the public and children."  They may simply advertise their product/service as they choose within the law.

Group 'Stop That Ad' will take the position of "Yes, companies DO have an ethical and/or social responsibility to the public and children."  They must be a good corporate citizen and do what is ethically and morally right.

You may divide tasks.  However, you will be evaluated on your group teamwork and collaboration in class.  You will learn more from the assignment and from each other if you work together and collaborate.  More collaboration in class = higher marks!

Through collaboration, synthesize your research to write an effective, convincing argument.  Collaboratively, write your paper.  Each student must substantially contribute to final product.  You will evaluate yourself and your partner, using our $100 evaluation system, which will be included in your assignment's grade.

As a group, you will briefly present (summarize) your argument to the class.

     ** Using your laptop in class, access the Internet Website Resources file, which includes links to pre-screened websites.  Use these websites to find and develop your supporting information.


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