
Ethical and Social Responsibility of Advertising



# Needs Work Good Strong Exemplary Score
Observable teamwork and collaboration Completely divided responsibilities without working together to process, organize, or formulate argument. Divided responsibilities, yet demonstrated some observable collaboration with partner while processing, organizing and formulating argument. Some responsibility division, however exhibited strong collaboration during processing, organizing, and formulating argument. Minimal responsibility division, instead worked on all areas together while processing, organizing, and formulating argument. 25%
Observable constructive discussion with your partner Did not engage in any observable discussion or visibly argued while accomplishing task. Engaged in some good dialogue with each other, however, more positive discussion would have helped you complete assignment. Exhibited very good dialogue, perhaps more discussion or more on-target discussion would have resulted in exemplary assignment success. Excellent discussion and dialogue with partner, resulted in moving quickly through task and/or a high quality in-class product. 25%
Written argument supporting your position and written with your client in mind Written argument did not state or defend and argument and did not speak toward the client or have the client in mind. Argument was minimally stated and defended, had the minimum or three sources. Lacked a clear message targeted toward client. Argument was stated and defended with strong support from sources. Did a great job of speaking toward client. Excellent job of stating, defending, and supporting argument. Used four or more sources to support argument. Excellent job of speaking toward the client. 25%
Oral presentation defending your argument Simply read from the written argument; minimal effort put into oral presentation. Did not treat audience as your client. Oral presentation offered a partially stated and defended argument, read from argument but presented an opinion outside of merely reading paper aloud. Did well to speak to audience as client. Did very well to state and defend argument, left out some helpful supporting information, some reading from written argument. Great job speaking to audience as client. Oral presentation clearly stated the argument and defended it with supporting information with the language of the presentation aimed at the client. Zero or minimal reading from written argument. 25%

Total Score: 100%

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