
Ethical and Social Responsibility of Advertising


     Many people in the U.S. believe some companies have gone too far or have crossed the line of advertising and marketing fast food, junk food, and safe sex issues to children and young adults.  There have been Congressional hearings and discussions among physicians, psychologists, educators, and advertising professionals about the actions and practices of marketing and advertising of certain companies and issues.

  • Are these companies playing by the rules but not necessarily doing the right thing?
  • Or are these companies within their legal rights and choice to market and advertise as they choose, with no reason to hold them accountable?

     Your role as an advertising professional is to persuade your client to advertise with you according to the support of your argument.

Your assignment:

     Do U.S. companies who produce and sell fast food and junk food or advertise safe sex issues have an ethical and/or social responsibility to the public, especially impressionable children and young adults when marketing and advertising their products or services?

     Support your argument with facts, opinions, and information you find in the texts AND the internet.

     You are to collaborate with ONLY your partner and write a two-page argument directed toward your client using supporting information from your sources (internet, text, and opinion).

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