
Who Invented the Light Bulb?..and Other Famous Inventions?

Teacher Page


This unit can be extended in many ways or modified.  Research can be  literature based and/or computer based.  The trading cards could be modified and compiled into a book for the students.  The students could also dress up as the inventor they researched and actually bring in a replica of their invention, and present it as if in first person.  This could be videotaped.  The trading cards could be laminated for endurance.  They could even be duplicated for playing cards and play match games with.

The end of the unit could be culiminated with Bill Nyes "100 Greatest Inventions" (DVD) or a movie of a similar nature.

The standards addressed are Ohio Science Standards K-3: 

  • Students will be able to explain how developing and using technology involves benefit and risk
  • Students will investigate why people make new products or invent new ways to meet their individual wants and needs.
  • Students will be able to predict how building or trying something new might affect other peopl and the environment. 

Images courtesy of Google.Images and Microsoft Office .

Websites :  Thanks to www.Wikipedia.com , www.zoomschool.com/inventors and www.cbc.ca/kids .


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