
Who Invented the Light Bulb?..and Other Famous Inventions?



There will be 5 steps involved in this webquest:


1) First, view the video at www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzaYy5CnFBQ .

2) In groups of three or four, brainstorm together inventions that you have wondered about.  These could be household items, hardware, technology, appliances.  Complete the web graphic organizer (Attachment 1).

3) Individually, select an invention, or an innovation that you are curious about and research that invention on any of these three links:




Using the questionnaire (Attachment 2), please complete the questions.

Your task will be to find out about your invention, how the inventor created it and how it has made a difference in the world.  Also, what are the advantages and the disadvantages of this product.  What need has been filled by the invention of your choice, and are there any disadvantages with the invention of your choice?

4) Using the computer template,(Attachment 3), you will create a trading card with the information transferred from your questionnaire, with the top of the card used for either a downloaded picture, kidpix, or freehand art drawing of the invention.

5)  You will present the information on your card in a brief demonstration, and pass out your card to others in the class.



  • File
    Description: invention questionnaire

  • File
    Description: invention trading card

  • File
    Description: Web Graphic Organizer

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