
Texas Indian Tribes

Teacher Page


Groups of no more than five students were formed based on personal compatibility among members, and mixed ability. Higher ability groups held less members when the class size required.  For some groups a good deal of teacher support was provided.

This webquest was designed to meet the following 4th grade Texas Social Studies standards:

SS.4.22C Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and visuals including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps. 

SS.4.23D Create written and visual materials such as journal entries, reports, graphics organizers, outlines, and bibliographies. 

SS.4.23B Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication about a person, issue, or event in Texas history. 

SS.4.23C Express ideas orally based on research and experiences.  

SS.4.1A Identify Native-American groups in Texas and the Western Hemisphere before European exploration and describe the regions in which they lived. 

SS.4.1B Compare and contrast the ways of life of Native-American groups in Texas and the Western Hemisphere before European exploration. 

SS.4.9A Describe ways people have adapted to and modified their environment in Texas, past and present. 

SS.4.10A Explain why various early Native-American groups in Texas and the Western Hemisphere developed certain economic patterns of existence such as hunter-gatherer, farmer, and complex society.





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