
How to Cite While You Write using EndNote Web

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This is a webQuest that advices postgraduate students and researchers the process of Scientific Writing using CWYW plug-in in MsWord.

As I think, scientific writing courses must be compulsive for all postgraduate programs, no matter the subject area we are studying.

As this does not occur, I decided to create this webQuest for students and researchers to have a first sight to the benefits of CWYW facility that will save uncountable hours of hard work typing scientific articles.

Before we are launched to the task of scientific writing, we need to know who is working in the area we are in. By being aware about authors and themes, we avoid duplicating scientific efforts.

EndNote allows us to search the Internet looking for authors and themes  about what we are trying to put in paper. This utility is a Reference Management System that also provides plug-ins for web browsers and editing systems like MsWord.

The plug-in for MsWord allow us to CITE WHILE YOU WRITE, which is an amazing aid for us to publish scientific articles whitout fears for not to accomplish writing standards.

This WebQuest leads you and your students through the process of writing a scientific paper. Please, feel free to use it for your students to start using this powerful tool in their academic life.

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