
What's Your Sign?

Teacher Page


I would use the Webquest with grade 2 at minimum, and it could be simplified for that grade. Anything higher then that is fine to work with.  Parts of the lesson can be taken out or altered for students with special needs or for slower learners.  The writing portion, or characteristics of a zodiac sign parts can both be detached.

The lesson integrates the areas of social studies, art, and language arts. The topic itself is based of of cultural differences. Art is involved because students will draw their final zodiac sign. Language arts is involved because then they need to write a persuasive essay about why they chose it for their sign.

Social Studies Standard

2.5.3: Compare the way people learn traditions in different cultures

Language Arts

2.2.1 Use titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information in text.

2.2.5 Restate facts and details or summarize the main idea in the text to clarify and organize ideas.

2.5.3 Write a friendly letter complete with the date, salutation (greeting, such as Dear Mr. Smith), body, closing, and signature.

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