
Living With Autism

Teacher Page


This Web Quest is to help children learn about Autism and what it feels like to have Autism. Children will also learn about how to be a friend to someone with Autism. The lessons can be taught individually or as a unit.

This unit is linked to the TN Health Education Standards.

I.                    Grade Level:  Third – Fifth Grade

II.                  Standard of Learning for Tennessee: TN Health Education Standards-Emotional, Social and Mental Health

Domain Description: Emotional, social, and mental health is dependent upon a healthy self-concept and communicating needs, wants, and feelings in a healthy manner. Learning to manage conflict, anger, and stress promotes healthy living.

Learning Expectation: 8.2 The student will demonstrate respect for the unique qualities of self and others.

Performance Indicator: Level 2-The student will be able to demonstrate appropriate ways to include individuals with disabilities.

Teacher Assessment Indicators:  Teacher will discuss the reasons why it is important to identify feelings

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