
Living With Autism

What Is Autism?


Do you know someone who can’t talk?

Do you know someone who does things that you can’t understand?

Does this person flap his arms, scream, or cry and you don’t know why?

Have you heard the word “Autism”?

When a person has Autism, it means that something in his brain is different from other people’s brains.  This is the reason he may behave differently.

Some people with Autism have trouble understanding words and communicating with others.  It may help if that person can see a picture of what you are talking about. A person with Autism may use pictures or signs to communicate with you.

Some people with Autism have difficulty playing and/or relating to other people.  Sometimes they just don’t know how to interact and need to be taught this skill.

Some kids with Autism might have a tantrum.  This might happen when they become frustrated and are unable to communicate their wants or needs.  It might also be caused by something happening in their environment that is causing them pain or discomfort (examples:  a smell, noise, or an uncomfortable or painful touch).

In Autism, sometimes people need to be on a special diet without wheat, dairy products or other things. For some people, this helps them to attend, communicate or work better.

Kids with Autism may have "therapists". That is someone who helps with certain difficulties. Therapists are "Speech" teachers or"Occupational and Physical" therapists help people learn to use their bodies to do things.

Some people with Autism are called "Savants" because they know a lot of information about one area. For example, if a person knows how to add large numbers like a computer in his head, this may be called a "Savant" skill. 'Autistic savant' means a person with an autism spectrum disorder who has an unusual gift or an outstanding skill or knowledge clearly above their general level of ability.

Some people who are included in the Autism group actually have Aspergers. The person with Aspergers did not have a delay in talking or cognitive (thinking) skills. This person usually has difficulty with social skills and how language is used in communication.

If someone has Rhett's Syndrome, they may look like they have Autism because some of the characteristics are the same. Rhett Syndrome occurs mostly in girls and few boys. In Rhett Syndrome, development is normal and then starts to go backwards.

Click on the "notes" about Autism link in Number Four (save to computer first) and print out the sheet. Fill in the blanks before you move on.

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