
Science Fiction Character Design

The Main Project Task


Before commencing onto the project, you must absorb yourself into the story. Know it, feel it and be it.


The land of Zione is the last remaining populated area on Earth, where the living is half human and half creature. The human species were facing extinction and the only way to sustain life on the planet was to combine the DNA of human and animal.

Amongst the sea of half breeds, there was only one true human being left in the world. Her name was Mahiri, a gentle girl who longed to fit into the world she lived in. She only had one friend called Scurrel, a timid, kind hearted creature who followed wherever she went. They both lived in an isolated area, away from populated city. The land of Zione was ruled by Lady Valdis, the one and only fiercest full breed anyone could ever come across. A half breed warrior called Arlo challenged Lady Valdis due to her selfish ways of pursuing a full breed evolution change but he was instantly banished to the underworld of Zione.

Mahiri and Scurrel�s life was then interrupted by the channeling spirit of Arlo who pleads them to get him out of the Underworld. At first, Mahiri was immensely annoyed with Arlo but soon realised the danger he was in.

After Arlo�s convincement, Mahiri and Scurrel embarked on a life changing journey to save what was left of human DNA.


Mahiri- A human female. Gentle manner yet has a burning fire within when she is offended.

Scurrel- Half human and half creature. Timid, kind hearted and clumsy when it comes to high pressure situations.

Arlo- Half human and half creature. Strong, confident and sincere yet has a flaw which makes him even more mysterious and desirable to others.

Lady Valdis- Full creature. Boisterous, arrogant and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

Now it is up to you to vision what they look like..



- A painting and/or drawing of the four characters and one drawing of the story setting of your choice. This is supported by a 2-5 minute oral presentation of the work.

- A series of sketches of each character design and choose one character to make a 3D model with your choice of medium. This is supported by a 2-5 minute oral presentation of the work.

- A 3 minute choreography inspired by the Sci-Fi story and characters. Ideal for groups of 3-4 people. Costumes and/or a background setting can be produced. The presentation can be video recorded or performed live.

You MUST keep a journal throughout the whole process and document all necessary research, ideas and reflections during your project.

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