
Become a Famous Artist!



Your task for this quest is to:

  • learn about a famous artist
  • share your findings with your classmates during a class presentation
  • create a painting in the style of the artist you choose
  • present your painting to the class 
  • dress up like the artist or a character in one of his paintings for your classroom presentation

 You will be provided with several methods of research to help you find out about your artist. When you meet with other students who share the same artist, you will be comparing information and gathering ideas for your presentation. You will need to take a close look at the distinict style of your artist so you know how to create your painting.  Start looking closely at the artist and his art because you will be re-creating one of his paintings and dressing up like a character from one of them or becoming the artist himself.

You will be evaluated at each stage of your quest so keep the checklist near by to make sure you are on track! Most of all have fun while learning about a few of the great master's in art!

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