
Journey to the Greatest Tradegy that Ever Befell the Atlantic Ocean: The Titanic



You are a literary investigator for the New York Times when one of the greatest tradegies ever to befall the Atlantic Ocean occurs. The whole world is in a panic and you know this is your one shot to create a piece of literary legend that will be remembered in history books and museums for years to come. Being the phenomenal author that you are, you know that you must write a piece of literary genius that contains both facts and personal opinions about this tremendous tradegy. Yet your editor expects more of you than just a single article. You must also create an advertisement for a product that is sold in the early 1900s OR write another article that contains information about a form of entertainment such as theatre, music, art, or a sporting event. Your deadline for print is approaching fast so get to work and try not to become distracted by the wailings of those mourning their lost ones.

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