
How to Survive a High School Math Class



The overall purpose of this Webquest is to find ways and methods to help students "survive" a math class they might take in high school, regardless of the difficulty of the class, i.e. students in Algebra and Calculus classes can use these tips for help. But with a plethora of material available in books and on the Internet, this Webquest also has a project that students can do in teams of three.

In short, here is what the three-person teams will have to do, as well as some questions to keep in mind as they do their research and also to have answered for their projects:

Person 1: This student will research, using the website links provided (or through any other outside materials) what math anxiety is, as well as what test anxiety is, since the two seem to go hand in hand. The student will then find why people feel anxious about taking tests and taking math classes. Here are some questions to guide the students' research that will be part of their presentations:
       - What is math anxiety? 
       - Why do people feel anxious about taking math classes?
       - What is test anxiety?
       - Why do people get anxious about taking tests, regardless of the class or the reason for the test?

Person 2: This student will continue the research, using the website links provided (or through any other outside materials) by finding out what students can do to stop feeling so anxious about math classes and taking tests. Here are some questions to guide the students' research that will be part of their presentations:
       - What can students do to not feel so anxious about being in a math class?
       - What can students do to not feel so anxious about taking tests?

Person 3: This student will complete the research, using the website links provided (or through any other outside materials) by finding what what teachers can do to help themselves to be better able to identify those students who are not comfortable with tests and also those students who are not confident in math classes. Here are some questions to guide the students' research that will be part of their presentations:
       - What steps can a teacher take to make themselves better at identifying students who are anxious with math classes?
       - What steps can a teacher take to make themselves better at identifying students who have anxiety with taking tests?
      - What signs should a teacher look out for in a student that has anxiety in their math class?
      - What signs should a teacher look out for in a student that has anxiety with taking tests?
      - In the end, what is the teacher's job when it comes to students that are really anxious in their math classes?
      - In the end, what is the teacher's job when it comes to students that are really anxious about taking tests?

Once the research step has been completed, students will put their results all together in a paper, which is discussed next, and then finally a presentation, whic is also discussed next.

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