


As a team, you must consider things like:  How will they be fed? Who will feed them?  How much does it cost to take care of a penguin?  Where will the money come from to take care of them?  Who will clean their habitat?  What do we do with them over the summer break?  Is this a habitat that will keep them healthy?

Once your team decides for or against this project, you will present your findings to the principal in writing so that she may make an informed decision.   The team with the most convincing argument will get a popcorn and movie afternoon with Mrs. Penguinlover.  Along with your investigation, you will have fun activities along the way to help you in your quest!  Have a blast!

In the end, as a result of all of your research and activities, you will be able to compile a report for your principal that will support your research findings.  Your report will be a typed team report with at least three paragraphs supporting your findings.

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