
Egypt--The Gift of the Nile



We will be researching the following information about Ancient Egypt. Every group member is individually responsible for knowing the information you have researched, and collectively you will add the things you found most important to your game.  

Your individual work will be evaluated as homework.  Your group game will be evaluated as a project grade.  See the evaluation section of this WebQuest for details.

FIRST - Meet as a team to establish your ground rules and responsibilities. Remember, all team members have an important role to play!
SECOND - Begin your individual work and think about types of games you might suggest to the group. Don't try to design the game first before you do the research, or you might miss a wonderful idea for a game!  Keep on track with the assigned time tables!
THIRD - Brainstorm possible game formats as a group.  After you have done some of your research and seen the game requirements, you can eliminate game formats that will not meet the criteria.  LOCK INTO YOUR FORMAT AS A GROUP so that all your creative energy is moving in the same direction. Divide up the work in whatever way your TEAM determines is your BEST method for working.

Your Research begins:  Do the following activities individually and as a group - using the following time table.

Maps: October 1st
Essential Question: Why was the Nile River important to life in Ancient Egypt?

Individual: Research Requirements
1.  Click here http://carlos.emory.edu/ODYSSEY/EGYPT/nilemap.html and study the map and pronunciation of 7 cities of ancient Egypt. 
2.  Print this map http://www.civilization.ca/civil/egypt/egcgeo1e.html and study about the geography of Ancient Egypt.  Create 10 questions that might be used in a game about Ancient Egypt.  All of the following geography concepts must be explained as part of these questions:Aswan Dam, Valley of the Kings,  Nubia, Red and Black land, White Nile and Blue Nile, Upper and Lower Egypt, King Narmer.  Five questions must require an explanation (short essay). Five questions must require a short answer. 
*Individual questions are due October 2nd.

Group:  Game Requirements
1.  Some type of map activity which uses at least 4 cities of ancient Egypt must be included in your game.
2.  Your game must make reference in some way to 5 different geography questions from your work as individuals.

Culture: October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
Essential Questions: What effects did Egyptian religion have on Ancient Egyptian culture?

Individual: Research Requirements
1.  Click on the first attachment at the bottom of this "Task" page.  There you will view some timelines of Ancient Egypt and research their culture.  You are to develop a timeline of ancient Egypt based on your own research and opinions.  You may design your own timeline by hand. 
The following must be included: 
• 5 most important pharaohs
• 5 inventions of Egypt of enduring impact
• 5 different cultural practices - religion, burial practice, etc.
• 5 major man-made monuments or land features
2.  Explain details for each of the above from your research in the provided template of an informational brochure.  Be sure to include cultural aspects such as Egyptian homes, jobs, food, clothing, family life, and entertainment. 
*Timeline and brochure are due October 5th

Group: Game Requirements
1.  Reference to 3 pharaohs must be included in your game.
2.  Your game must make reference in some way to what you have determined to be the 5 most important inventions, cultural practices, and man-made monuments or land features of Ancient Egypt. 
3.  Your game must include items about homes, jobs, food, clothing, family life, and entertainment in Ancient Egypt.

Government: October 5th
Essential Question: Are there enduring government ideas today which existed in Ancient Egypt?

Individual: Research Requirements
Use this website to read about the governmental organization of Ancient Egypt http://www2.sptimes.com/Egypt/EgyptCredit.4.2.html.  Then fill in the provided chart that displays the governmental structure of ancient Egypt.  Be sure to include the duties of each governmental official!   
*Chart due October 8th

Group: Game Requirements
Identify the 5 positions of authority in Ancient Egypt to include in your game.

History: October 8th
Essential Question: Why were pharaohs important to ancient Egyptians?

Individual: Research Requirements
Copy and research the following questions.  Then answer the questions in complete sentences.
Why would Akhenaten's beliefs about the Sun God Ra create such a stir in Ancient Egypt? http://www.civilization.ca/civil/egypt/egcr01e.html 
Why was Rameses called "The Great"? http://touregypt.net/19dyn03.htm
What was unusual about Hatshepsut? http://www.civilization.ca/civil/egypt/eghats1e.html
If Tutankhamun was not an important pharaoh, why is he remembered? (Is the mummy's curse real?) http://www.civilization.ca/civil/egypt/egtut01e.html
What is the Valley of the Kings? http://www.civilization.ca/civil/egypt/egca07e.html#page

Group:  Game Requirements
1.  As a group, identify 5 people you think contributed the most to the culture of Ancient Egypt.  Include specific information about all five and their accomplishments in your game.
2.  Your game must have three references to events or people of the 18th Dynasty.

Trivia:  October 9th and 10th
What other interesting ideas about Ancient Egypt did you discover during our study?

Individual: Research Requirements
1.  Want to write in hieroglyphics?  Go to these sites!  Then write a short message to a friend in heiroglyphics. http://students.resa.net/stoutcomputerclass/EgyptHieroglyphics.htm
2.  Research Egyptian artwork and royal symbols http://www.civilization.ca/civil/egypt/egcgov5e.html#cartouche.  Draw a picture and write a brief description of the meaning and importance of some royal symbols including the Ankh, Cartouche, Crook and Flail, and Lotus.
*Message and pictures due October 11th

Group: Game Requirements
1.  Royal Symbols are evident in all Egyptian artwork.  A player of your game must be able to identify and explain the importance of: Ankh,
Cartouche,  Crook and Flail, and Lotus.
2.  Include any other trivia you have discovered about Ancient Egypt that would make your game more interesting. 

If you finish your research early, go to this site for fun games and activities!


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