
Love is a Fallacy: Basic Principles of Fallacies


The selection will discussed in two parts in two meetings. (each meeting would be an hour)


 Part I


 The class will discuss about the characters in the story, the setting, arising actions, climax and the resolution.


 As the teacher reads aloud the story, the students will follow silently. During the process of reading, the teacher can impose questions to monitor the reading of the students. Initially, the teacher would ask the setting of the story then she will let the students describe how each character appears to be in the story.


After reading the story, the teacher will ask the students about the actions the comprise the ending of the story. They will tell the points that contribute to the outcomes of the story which are the statements of the problem, the climax and lastly, the ending or the resolution to the problem - was the problem imposed in the beginning of the story solved or not?


Part II


The class will discuss about the fallacies in the story.


The selection used a variety of fallacies that also contributed to the progress and outcome of the story.


The teacher will first ask her students the names of the fallacies mentioned in the story and state how it was used in the story. 


After a thorough discussion the fallacies, the teacher will then ask her students to give their own examples of the fallacies and how these fallacies are practiced by some people in the society.


The teacher will then assign a task to the students wherein they will complete a table of fallacies, description and example.



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