
Exploring Biomes



Complete the following five tasks as you research your biome.


Task # 1- Take the time to navigate through each of the six biomes before deciding which one you (your group) will research.  

The six biomes are:



Task # 2- Print off the research checklist (see attachment below) as a guide for collecting your information and determine your process for collecting information. You will turn in your list of information collected on this sheet at end of project.


Task #3- Now that you have carefully selected your biome, explore the websites for the biome of your choice and also watch any videos below related to your biome.



Task #4- After researching your biome, try to answer the questions below, based on the information you have gained. This information should be included in your brochure as well as the other information. (see attachment below). Be prepared to submit answers to the questions in this attachment.


a.  Are there any special ways in which plants and animals have adapted to live in the conditions of your biome? Why is your biome able to support specific types of plant and animal life? (Objective 1.03 and 1.05)

b.  In what ways are humans having an effect, positive or negative, on the biome of your study? (Objective 1.06)

c.  What suggestions would you give to help protect your biome from any type of destruction? (Objective 1.06)

d.  Make a list of all continents on which your biome exists. List at least two countries from each continent. Color this information on a world map. A world map can be retrieved from: http://www.eduplace.com/ss/maps/pdf/world_country.pdf

e.  Are there any extinct or endangered animals in from your biome? What do you believe has caused these animals to become extinct or endangered? (Objective 1.05 and 1.06)

f. Why might the areas you researched (temperature and climate, annual rainfall, soil composition and types of plants and animals) be different in other biomes? Give some examples of differences you would find in other biomes. (Objective 1.04)

Task # 5- Use the information gathered and the answers to your questions in #4 to create a brochure/pamphlet to present your information to the class.




Areas to research are:

  • Location (include latitude and longitude if possible)

  • Average temperature/climate

  • Amount of rainfall

  • Soil composition

  • Animals

  • Plants

  • Don't Forget to include some: Interesting Facts



  • File
    Description: Task 4 Questions

  • File
    Description: Research Checklist

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