
Building a Sustainable School



1.Sustainable orientation. Choosing the place and which way to face your school

-         Your school will be located in the northern hemisphere. Which cardinal point (north, south, west or east) should most of your windows be facing to in order to catch as much sunlight and heat as possible? 

-         You can reduce the amount of sunlight and heat entering through the windows in the summer months- but not in the winter- by planting some specific trees in front of the windows. What type of trees would you plant, conifers or deciduous trees? Why? 

-         What other things can be used to reduce the amount of sunlight that enters the building  during the summer months? 

-         Considering that the climate in your area is quite cold in winter, how could you reduce the amount of heat lost by your school: building a higher edifice with several levels (at least three) and a smaller area per level or building a one level-edifice but with a very big surface? Why? (clue: it has to be with the volume and area of your school)

2. Renewable sources of energy. Reducing the use of fossil fuels

-         What renewables sources of energy can you make more profit from in your school?  Explain what devices would you install and in where in the building. Explain why.  

-          What are you going to use this renewables sources for? What are they going to provide your school with?

3. Materials. Things to bear in mind

-         If you want tyour school to be as sustainable as possible, should you import ecological materials from other countries, use any material from your region, recycle materials from old demolished buildings....? Explain the advantages and disadvantages you find in each decision

4. Insulation. Bad insulation leads to a higher energy consumption

-         How can heat escape from yourhouse? (at least 2 responses) 

-         What things can you install to prevent heat loss (al least 2 responses)? 

-          How should be the windows in the north part of the school: big or small? Why? 

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